Jinhan Kim

Jinhan Kim,

Postdoctoral Researcher,

Software Institute,

Università della Svizzera italiana,

Office D3.18 (Level P3), Sector D, Campus East, Via la Santa 1, 6962 Viganello, Switzerland

Email: jinhan.kim [at-symbol] usi.ch

CV: pdf

Jinhan Kim is a postdoc at TAU lab in Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) led by Prof. Paolo Tonella. He completed his Ph.D. degree from KAIST under the supervision of Dr. Shin Yoo, where he focused on software engineering research, particularly on mutation testing, fault localization, and deep learning system testing.


Apr 2024:
I joined the program committee of ASE 2024 (Demonstrations Track, NIER Track).
Apr 2024:
I joined the program committee of ISSTA 2025 (Research Track).
Apr 2024:
Sep 2023:
I'm thrilled to share that I'm beginning a postdoc at USI Lugano under the guidance of Prof. Paolo Tonella!
Apr 2023:
Our paper wins a best paper award at Mutation 2023.
Dec 2022:
In collaboration with TAU Lab, our paper "Repairing DNN Architecture: Are We There Yet?" has been accepted to publication at ICST 2023 (Research Papers Track).
Dec 2022:
I'm delighted to announce that I have successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis!
Aug 2022:
I'll visit Prof. Paolo Tonella at Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) for two months.
Jul 2022:
I successfully completed my dissertation proposal.
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See the list at Google Scholar

  1. Learning Test-Mutant Relationship for Accurate Fault Localisation

    Jinhan Kim, Gabin An, Robert Feldt, Shin Yoo

    IST 2023 | pdf

  2. Evaluating Surprise Adequacy for Deep Learning System Testing

    Jinhan Kim, Robert Feldt, Shin Yoo

    TOSEM 2023 | pdf

  3. Predictive Mutation Analysis via Natural Language Channel in Source Code

    Jinhan Kim, Juyoung Jeon, Shin Hong, Shin Yoo

    TOSEM 2022 | pdf | Presented at the journal-first track of ICSE 2023

Conferences & Workshops (Full Papers)
  1. The Inversive Relationship Between Bugs and Patches: An Empirical Study

    Jinhan Kim, Jongchan Park, Shin Yoo

    Mutation 2023 | pdf | Best Paper Award

  2. Repairing DNN Architecture: Are We There Yet?

    Jinhan Kim, Nargiz Humbatova, Gunel Jahangirova, Paolo Tonella, Shin Yoo

    ICST 2023 | pdf

  3. Repairing Fragile GUI Test Cases Using Word and Layout Embedding

    Juyeon Yoon, Seungjoon Chung, Kihyuck Shin, Jinhan Kim, Shin Hong, Shin Yoo

    ICST 2022 Industry Track | pdf

  4. Ahead of Time Mutation Based Fault Localisation Using Statistical Inference

    Jinhan Kim, Gabin An, Robert Feldt, Shin Yoo

    ISSRE 2021 | pdf | Invited for a special issue of IST Journal

  5. Reducing DNN Labelling Cost Using Surprise Adequacy: An Industrial Case Study for Autonomous Driving

    Jinhan Kim, Jeongil Ju, Robert Feldt, Shin Yoo

    ESEC/FSE 2020 Industry Track | pdf

  6. Guiding Deep Learning System Testing Using Surprise Adequacy

    Jinhan Kim, Robert Feldt, Shin Yoo

    ICSE 2019 | pdf

  7. Elicast: Embedding Interactive Exercises in Instructional Programming Screencasts

    Jungkook Park, Yeong Hoon Park, Jinhan Kim, Jeongmin Cha, Suin Kim, Alice Oh

    L@S 2018

  8. Learning Without Peeking: Secure Multi-Party Computation Genetic Programming

    Jinhan Kim, Michael G. Epitropakis, Shin Yoo

    SSBSE 2018

  9. Comparing Line and AST Granularity Level for Program Repair Using PyGGI

    Gabin An, Jinhan Kim, Shin Yoo

    Genetic Improvement 2018

  10. BeUpright: Posture Correction Using Relational Norm Intervention

    Jaemyung Shin, Bumsoo Kang, Taiwoo Park, Jina Huh, Jinhan Kim, Junehwa Song

    CHI 2016

Short, Poster, Demo, Domestic Papers
  1. PyGGI: Python General framework for Genetic Improvement

    Gabin An, Jinhan Kim, Seongmin Lee, Shin Yoo

    KCSE 2017

  2. GPGPGPU: Evaluation of Parallelisation of Genetic Programming Using GPGPU

    Jinhan Kim, Junhwi Kim, Shin Yoo

    SSBSE 2017 Short Papers Track

  3. Demo: Posture Correction Using Smartphone-Based Relational Intervention Model

    Jaemyung Shin, Bumsoo Kang, Jinhan Kim, Jina Huh, Junehwa Song, Taiwoo Park

    SenSys 2015

  1. Exploiting Mutant’s Relationship with Code, Faults, and Patches for Higher Efficacy of Mutation Analysis

    Jinhan Kim

    Ph.D. Thesis, KAIST, February 2023

Community Services

Conference Organising Committee
Conference Program Committee
Journal Board
Journal Reviewer